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Qutebrowser Config

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    Authored by Jan Harasym 9.70 KiB
    import os
    # Documentation:
    #   qute://help/configuring.html
    #   qute://help/settings.html
    # Uncomment this to still load settings configured via autoconfig.yml
    # config.load_autoconfig()
    # Value to send in the `Accept-Language` header.
    # Type: String
    c.content.headers.accept_language = 'en-GB,en'
    ## Enable JavaScript.
    ## Type: Bool
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'file://*')
    ## Enable JavaScript.
    ## Type: Bool
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'chrome://*/*')
    ## Enable JavaScript.
    ## Type: Bool
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'qute://*/*')
    ## Enable JavaScript.
    ## Type: Bool
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'https://**')
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, '*')
    ##config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'https://git.*.com/*')
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, '*')
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'https://**')
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'https://**')
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'https://**')
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'https://**')
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, '*')
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, '*')
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'https://*.ubisoft.onbe/*')
    #config.set('content.javascript.enabled', True, 'http://*.ubisoft.onbe/*')
    # Import user stylesheets
    #import glob
    #c.content.user_stylesheets = glob.glob(
    #        '/home/dijit/.config/qutebrowser/userstyles/*.user.css')
    ### FIXME: waiting for this:
    #        'content.user_stylesheets',
    #        '/home/dijit/.config/qutebrowser/userstyles/hackernews.user.css',
    #        '*'
    #        )
    #        'content.user_stylesheets',
    #        '/home/dijit/.config/qutebrowser/userstyles/reddit.user.css',
    #        'https://**'
    #        )
    #        'content.user_stylesheets',
    #        '/home/dijit/.config/qutebrowser/userstyles/github.user.css',
    #        'https://**'
    #        )
    c.content.javascript.enabled = False
    js_whitelist = [
    private_whitelist = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/qutebrowser/private-whitelist")
    if os.path.exists(private_whitelist):
        with open(private_whitelist) as f:
            js_whitelist += filter(lambda l: bool(l),"\n"))
    for site in js_whitelist:
        with config.pattern(site) as p:
            p.content.javascript.enabled = True
    # REMOVEME: for figuring out what variables I can consume as a userscript
    with open('/tmp/qute-locals.log', 'w') as f:
    # Proxy to use. In addition to the listed values, you can use a
    # `socks://...` or `http://...` URL.
    # Type: Proxy
    # Valid values:
    #   - system: Use the system wide proxy.
    #   - none: Don't use any proxy
    c.content.proxy = 'system'
    # Where to show the downloaded files.
    # Type: VerticalPosition
    # Valid values:
    #   - top
    #   - bottom
    c.downloads.position = 'bottom'
    # Editor (and arguments) to use for the `open-editor` command. The
    # following placeholders are defined: * `{file}`: Filename of the file
    # to be edited. * `{line}`: Line in which the caret is found in the
    # text. * `{column}`: Column in which the caret is found in the text. *
    # `{line0}`: Same as `{line}`, but starting from index 0. * `{column0}`:
    # Same as `{column}`, but starting from index 0.
    # Type: ShellCommand
    c.editor.command = ['kitty', '-o', 'linux_display_server=wayland', '-o', 'font_size=14', 'vim', '{}']
    # Languages to use for spell checking. You can check for available
    # languages and install dictionaries using scripts/ Run the
    # script with -h/--help for instructions.
    # Type: List of String
    # Valid values:
    #   - af-ZA: Afrikaans (South Africa)
    #   - bg-BG: Bulgarian (Bulgaria)
    #   - ca-ES: Catalan (Spain)
    #   - cs-CZ: Czech (Czech Republic)
    #   - da-DK: Danish (Denmark)
    #   - de-DE: German (Germany)
    #   - el-GR: Greek (Greece)
    #   - en-AU: English (Australia)
    #   - en-CA: English (Canada)
    #   - en-GB: English (United Kingdom)
    #   - en-US: English (United States)
    #   - es-ES: Spanish (Spain)
    #   - et-EE: Estonian (Estonia)
    #   - fa-IR: Farsi (Iran)
    #   - fo-FO: Faroese (Faroe Islands)
    #   - fr-FR: French (France)
    #   - he-IL: Hebrew (Israel)
    #   - hi-IN: Hindi (India)
    #   - hr-HR: Croatian (Croatia)
    #   - hu-HU: Hungarian (Hungary)
    #   - id-ID: Indonesian (Indonesia)
    #   - it-IT: Italian (Italy)
    #   - ko: Korean
    #   - lt-LT: Lithuanian (Lithuania)
    #   - lv-LV: Latvian (Latvia)
    #   - nb-NO: Norwegian (Norway)
    #   - nl-NL: Dutch (Netherlands)
    #   - pl-PL: Polish (Poland)
    #   - pt-BR: Portuguese (Brazil)
    #   - pt-PT: Portuguese (Portugal)
    #   - ro-RO: Romanian (Romania)
    #   - ru-RU: Russian (Russia)
    #   - sh: Serbo-Croatian
    #   - sk-SK: Slovak (Slovakia)
    #   - sl-SI: Slovenian (Slovenia)
    #   - sq: Albanian
    #   - sr: Serbian
    #   - sv-SE: Swedish (Sweden)
    #   - ta-IN: Tamil (India)
    #   - tg-TG: Tajik (Tajikistan)
    #   - tr-TR: Turkish (Turkey)
    #   - uk-UA: Ukrainian (Ukraine)
    #   - vi-VN: Vietnamese (Viet Nam)
    c.spellcheck.languages = ['en-GB', 'en-US']
    # Hide the statusbar unless a message is shown.
    # Type: String
    # Valid values:
    #   - in-mode
    #   - always
    #   - hide = 'in-mode'
    # Switch between tabs using the mouse wheel.
    # Type: Bool
    c.tabs.mousewheel_switching = False
    # Position of the tab bar.
    # Type: Position
    # Valid values:
    #   - top
    #   - bottom
    #   - left
    #   - right
    c.tabs.position = 'top'
    # When to show the tab bar.
    # Type: String
    # Valid values:
    #   - always: Always show the tab bar.
    #   - never: Always hide the tab bar.
    #   - multiple: Hide the tab bar if only one tab is open.
    #   - switching: Show the tab bar when switching tabs. = 'multiple'
    # Page to open if :open -t/-b/-w is used without URL. Use `about:blank`
    # for a blank page.
    # Type: FuzzyUrl
    c.url.default_page = ''
    # Search engines which can be used via the address bar. Maps a search
    # engine name (such as `DEFAULT`, or `ddg`) to a URL with a `{}`
    # placeholder. The placeholder will be replaced by the search term, use
    # `{{` and `}}` for literal `{`/`}` signs. The search engine named
    # `DEFAULT` is used when `url.auto_search` is turned on and something
    # else than a URL was entered to be opened. Other search engines can be
    # used by prepending the search engine name to the search term, e.g.
    # `:open google qutebrowser`.
    # Type: Dict
    c.url.searchengines = {
            'DEFAULT': '{}', 
            #'DEFAULT': '{}&categories=general&language=en-GB', 
            'ddg': '{}',
            #'rust': '{}',
    # Page(s) to open at the start.
    # Type: List of FuzzyUrl, or FuzzyUrl
    c.url.start_pages = ''
    # Bindings for normal mode
    os.environ['MPV_COMMAND'] = '/home/dijit/bin/umpv'
    config.bind('m', 'spawn --userscript /usr/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/view_in_mpv')
    config.bind(';m', 'spawn --userscript /usr/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/view_in_mpv')
    config.bind(';t', 'hint userscript link /home/dijit/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/translate')
    config.bind(';T', 'hint userscript all /home/dijit/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/translate --text')
    config.bind('<Ctrl+T>', 'spawn --userscript /home/dijit/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/translate')
    config.bind('<Ctrl+Shift+T>', 'spawn --userscript /home/dijit/.local/share/qutebrowser/userscripts/translate --text')
    #config.set('content.headers.user_agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:57.0) Gecho/20100101 Firefox/57.0', '*')
    c.downloads.open_dispatcher = "/usr/bin/xdg-open"
    #c.fonts.default_family = "Fira Code"
    c.fonts.default_family = "Berkeley Mono"
    c.fonts.tabs.selected = "9pt 'IBM Plex Sans Light Regular'"
    c.fonts.tabs.unselected = "8pt 'IBM Plex Sans Light Regular'" = "IBM Plex Sans Light Regular" = "Berkeley Mono" = "IBM Plex" = "DejaVu Serif"
    # Default:
    c.qt.chromium.process_model = 'single-process'
    #c.qt.chromium.process_model = 'process-per-site-instance'
    #c.qt.chromium.process_model = 'process-per-site'
    #c.qt.args = ["use-gl=egl", "enable-accelerated-video-decode", "ignore-gpu-blocklist", "enable-gpu-rasterization"]
    c.tabs.padding = {"bottom": 2, "left": 5, "right": 5, "top": 2}
    c.content.webgl = False
    c.qt.force_platform = "wayland" 9.46 KiB
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